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31 Oct 2020 22:00 UTC
Luminous RTA Tournament 2!!

Registration closed.

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1.) $35 amazon/steam gift card 2.) $15 amazon/steam gift card 3.) Gifted Nitro 查看更多

Sorry, you missed it! Registrations are closed for this tournament.

Epic Seven RTA
主辦單位 TheSilverDerp


WELCOME TO THE THIRD BI-MONTHLY(sort of) LUMINIOUS GUILD TOURNAMENT! You have to register at least a day before the tourney begins. The registration period begins now and ends Friday the 30th at 11:59 pm EST. The tourney starts on Saturday the 31st at 6pm EST. You have between 6am EST on Saturday to 5:50pm EST on Saturday to check in to confirm that you will be participating (in case something changes). You have a time frame of 6pm EST to 12pm EST to meet with your opponent and do battle. Please talk with your opponent about when you can have the RTA. Please screenshot the victory screen if you can. If you can not, talk to a mod to confirm your victory. PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS YOU ARE DM'ED WHEN THE BOT DM'S YOU. Now lets move on to the reason you are actually participating. These wondrous prizes are provided by the reptilian overlord; Gator! Praise him for losing more money (though he spent more on Genshin). Lastly; don't be stupid and have fun!


  • 1. Please be respectful to your host and other participants. If any overly malicious behavior is reported, you will be removed from the tournament.
  • 2. Please be on time for your registration and for the actual tournament.
  • 3. Must be a member of the guild to participate. If you see this on the site, DO NOT JOIN. You will be banned.


  • Discord 步驟

    • 前往Discord中的#tournament-info文字頻道以了解比賽詳細資訊

    • 點擊#tournament-info頻道底部的#tournament-lobby

    • 想參加比賽,請在#tournament-lobby頻道中輸入!register

    • Tourney 機器人將會傳給您一則私人訊息,請在私訊中輸入!joinsolo <您的遊戲ID>來報名比賽

    • 您已成功報名 錦標賽。

  • web app 步驟

    • 前往Web App並使用Discord或Twitter帳戶登入

    • 在“比賽行事曆”的標籤下,您可以找到即將進行的比賽列表。

    • 請點擊您想參加的比賽,您將在頁面底部看到一個“報名”按鈕

    • 請輸入您的IGN(遊戲內名稱),然後點擊頁面底部的“報名”按鈕。

    • 報名現已完成。

  • app Steps

    • 從App Store或Play商店下載game.tv應用程式

    • 使用手機號碼登入應用並輸入OTP

    • 點擊錦標賽以查看其詳細資訊,然後點擊註冊並按照畫面上的說明進行操作

    • 您已成功註冊錦標賽


1.) $35 amazon/steam gift card 2.) $15 amazon/steam gift card 3.) Gifted Nitro