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17 Jun 2023 17:00 UTC
17th June - UNO tournament

This tournament can only be played using the app. Download the app to register.

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Sorry, you missed it! Registrations are closed for this tournament.

UNO Classic Solo
主辦單位 Thauzan


Welcome to UNO tournament hosted by Bespoke Funding Program. Tournament Date: 17/06/2023 (Saturday) Time: 17:00 (GMT)


  • 1. Please be respectful to your host and other participants. If any malicious behavior is reported, you will be removed from the tournament.
  • 2. Please be on time for your registration and for the actual tournament. You be disqualified on no-show.
  • 3. You must be registered to qualify for the event.
  • 4. You can play in this tournament only if you are registered using name (as it is written in the UNO)*** otherwise you will be removed.
  • 5. Each round will take 5 mins, You get 5 mins to match up with your opponents and complete the game. If anyone who fail to response with in 5 mins, that player will be disqualified.
  • ***(Strictly use the Match Chat option in app for tournament communications)***
  • 6. Communication between match players must be carried through the app Match Chat.
  • 7. Create friendly game room by selecting "PLAY WITH FRIENDS" with following settings.
  • - Total Time: 3 mins
  • - Room Mode: Single
  • - Players: 4
  • - Rules: Stack, 0-7, Forced Play (All selected)
  • - Special Cards (Nothing selected - Removed any tick)
  • 8. Share room ID in Match Chat and complete the match.
  • 9. Once each match ends, game screenshot must be shared in the app.
  • 10. You must register using both google form and to participate in the tournament.
  • 11. TOP 3 winners will be selected.


  • Discord 步驟

    • 前往Discord中的#tournament-info文字頻道以了解比賽詳細資訊

    • 點擊#tournament-info頻道底部的#tournament-lobby

    • 想參加比賽,請在#tournament-lobby頻道中輸入!register

    • Tourney 機器人將會傳給您一則私人訊息,請在私訊中輸入!joinsolo <您的遊戲ID>來報名比賽

    • 您已成功報名 錦標賽。

  • web app 步驟

    • 前往Web App並使用Discord或Twitter帳戶登入

    • 在“比賽行事曆”的標籤下,您可以找到即將進行的比賽列表。

    • 請點擊您想參加的比賽,您將在頁面底部看到一個“報名”按鈕

    • 請輸入您的IGN(遊戲內名稱),然後點擊頁面底部的“報名”按鈕。

    • 報名現已完成。

  • app Steps

    • 從App Store或Play商店下載game.tv應用程式

    • 使用手機號碼登入應用並輸入OTP

    • 點擊錦標賽以查看其詳細資訊,然後點擊註冊並按照畫面上的說明進行操作

    • 您已成功註冊錦標賽


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